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Showing posts from May, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Not Missing Out While Still Making Do

For this week's Thrifty Thursday post I want to share the latest way I'm making do (or is it making due) with what we already own. Why? Two reasons: A) We're a single income family living in the country's most expensive real estate market. B) Our house is tiny. A+B = We're on a budget and I'm serious about eliminating clutter. But first, a little history. Our family likes to go for long walks on the weekends. The hubby and I often listen to music, while walking hand in hand, for stretches of time on said walks. Lately I've been passing my phone over to our kiddo about 10 minutes into my jams. Music puts a spring in your step and I've discovered we can keep walking another 45 minutes if the kiddo's enjoying his own tunes.  Anyway, recently, our son has been asking for his own phone so he can listen to music too. We're a one income family, so I cringe thinking about the added cost to the monthly budget. I tell him he can use mine all day...